Monday, May 28

Memorial Day

I thank God for my life
And for the stars and stripes
May freedom forever fly
Let it ring

Salute the ones who died
The ones that give their lives
So we don't have to sacrifice
All the things we love

My heart is so thankful this Memorial Day. Thankful that there are men & women who were so brave & loved their country so much, that they died fighting for it. And thankful for a selfish reason, too. Thankful that my soldier came home to me- safe, sound, & sweeter than ever. I know many other families were not so lucky. I can't pretend to understand their grief, but I hope they know my heart aches for them, and I will forever be grateful for that ultimate sacrifice.
"True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost." 

I think of all the wars America has seen, and all of the lives lost. I think of the soldiers presently in the Middle East, continuing to fight. They don't want glory, they don't want fame. They do it because they love this country, they love people in this country, and their hearts told them it was right. "Thank you" seems so small and so clumsy, such an inadequate way to express what I feel towards those who lost their lives fighting for mine. But it is all I have, and I offer it to them with sincerity, love, and reverence. 

It's okay if you have the day off of work and are splashing around in a pool with a cold beer in your hand. It's okay to laugh and smile and enjoy the company of loved ones. The fallen soldiers would want that, I think. They fought to keep this country what it is, and fought to keep the American people out of harm's way, with their biggest worry on a late day in May being their tan lines. But as you're grilling out, or napping on the beach, please do reserve a corner of your thoughts & heart today for the courageous souls we've lost along the way. Because all that's left of them is a corner of green grass, a white marble cross, and our profound gratitude.
 Memorialize them. 
They died for you.

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