Saturday, August 4

Sometimes I just feel like I have won the husband jackpot lottery.

That is all. 

Wednesday, August 1

wack/wonderful Wednesdays


1. Did you know it is possible to eat your weight in watermelon? Because it is. I achieved this feat today.
2. I have been sleepy all day, because Coley & I stayed up until 2AM talking & laughing (which in my old woman world, might as well have been an all-nighter.) Worth it- I was seriously blessed in the little brother department.
3. Facebook was even more obnoxious today than usual. Here's the thing y'all: I get on Facebook to stalk your pictures & maintain a mild interest in what is going on in your life. It is not possible for me to care any less about your political views. I have my opinions- plenty of them, in fact. But I prefer to shove my kissy pics down the throats of my Facebook friends, not my beliefs on whether or not I think eating a chicken sandwich makes me homophobic.


1. New yoga mat.
2. I actually went running today- in the midday heat, nonetheless. For the laziest of lazies, this is an accomplishment. I will get to my goal weight.
3. I got to have a fabulous dinner with my parents & grandparents at 2520, an awesome restaurant in Clemmons. Chicken livers (yet another food I thought I didn't like that I do), lobster nachos (y'all..), & blackened chicken over corn & black bean ravioli with an avocado cream sauce. It was so nice getting to visit with them. 
4. A glass of sparkling white wine. I have been doing really well with not drinking my calories (as per usual) but tonight I was craving some wine. So I had some. And it was delicious.