Tuesday, January 17

2008: crossed my fingers, but didn't beg

For a girl of, what I like to believe to be an above average intelligence quotient, I am depressingly stupid. Stupid to the point it’s almost amusing. Except it’s not, not really at all. How could I have gotten it so wrong? Why did I allow you be an exception to my ironclad rules? My heart is the most guarded of all my internal pieces and Fort Knox has got nothing on my invisible walls. I typically trust no one, and doubt most things that come out of people’s mouths. So for the life of me, I cannot understand why I opened up so quickly and so completely to you. After one meal of smoked salmon and a 4 AM half-asleep kiss, I neatly reached into my chest, scooped my heart out and pinned it onto my sleeve, leaving it loosely hanging by a few threads. I was like a flower who, sensing some warmth and being anxious for spring, bursts open, spreading its colorful blossoms for all to see…only to realize much too late it’s still icy winter. And instead of being careful with everything I had gingerly placed before you with the solemn innocence of a child spreading out her most prized shell collection, you backed away. Muttering a feeble and barely audible, "Sorry" you left to get back to life before my inconvenient arrival. I'm glad I can be the punch-line of a few jokes, the reason you get a high-five from your guys, or an ego boost to ensure yourself, "yep....I'm still hot". Because you weren't just another scratch on the side of my bedpost.

You were a little more.
And I was more than a little stupid.

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