Saturday, June 2

meine liebe

A while back, Zack & I discovered this gorgeous hilltop in a nearby town completely by chance. We drove through Kirn one day, and Zack saw rocks that he immediately wanted to climb. (He has a habit of doing this.) We somehow found our way up this hill so Zack could rock climb, and I was delighted to discover the magnificent views the area had. The first time we went, the hills were covered in Queen Anne's Lace and I knew I wanted to go back to take pictures. 

Zack was such a sweetheart and scored major husband points by agreeing to a little photo shoot there one warm Friday afternoon. It was just us, a tripod, & some gummy snacks and we had a wonderful time. Although the fields has just been mowed so there weren't any flowers, I am still pleased with how our pictures turned out. His moss green eyes, the cotton-like clouds, and the breeze that made my hemline dance all made for a beautiful afternoon.


1 comment:

  1. Does it make me a man if I really want a pair of Zack's shoes?...and your dress! I like that too (back to being a woman. YES!)
