Wednesday, June 20

I apologize for the lack of posts recently. Between traveling and preparing for the big move, my chances to sit down at a computer have been few & far between.

My head is swimming with so many loud thoughts, it's almost deafening. Leaving Europe & our first home, our last travels, the countless goodbyes, being back in the States, seeing our beloved families again, starting our new lives in Missouri, what's to come in this next chapter...I can hardly process it all.

We haven't even been back in America for 24 hours, and already Europe seems like a distant, beautiful dream. I almost feel as though we did live in a dream-like, honeymoon state for the past two years. I think one of the things I will miss most about our lives there, is our home. To see it all packed up, and then barren, broke my heart a little. 

Our bedroom, where our hearts & souls melded time and time again. 
 And where words of love, promise, and secrets were whispered on our big white bed.
Zack's "man cave" where we watched our favorite shows, played cards, & where I would sometimes peak my head in to just look at him lost in his work. 
The entryway- where Zack would fling open the door as I would fling myself into his arms with the same enthusiasm & joy- be it him just coming home from work, coming home after a month in the field, or coming home after a year in Afghanistan. It was always the same giddiness hearing his heavy boots coming up the stairs.
The living room, my favorite room in the house, that saw plenty of entertaining friends, deep laughs, heartfelt conversations, and where I would watch the snow fall & the sun rise. 
 The guest bedroom that housed three wonderful guests from the States (wish it could have been more!) and lots of tipsy friends, crashing after a night out. 
And the kitchen- where I learned I am actually quite domesticated & not too shabby of a cook, and where a few, precious friendships were formed over generous glasses of red wine. 

The fact that all I have of 39 Dietzenstrasse are a few pictures & my memories makes me feel quite wistful. However, I am confident that no matter what location the Army tosses us into, Zack & I will be able to create a home- built on love, laughter, & a zest for life. 


  1. It's wednesday in germany. don't go slackin' on your duties. WEDNESDAY! GIVE ME SOME WACK FOO!

  2. you made me tear up reading that post!! I'm so glad you enjoyed your time there and loved looking at all of your beautiful pictures and reading about all of your exciting adventures! :)
