Wednesday, March 21

wack/wonderful Wednesdays

  1. Screaming Adele at the top of my lungs, (which to my ears sounds nothing short of magic, but to any other human being, it probably sounds like something dying a slow, torturous death) and realizing the windows were open, and that my German neighbors were outside staring up at me. Awkward.
  2. I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick. I hate knowing it is coming, and not being able to do much to stop it. My body has an ever-so-slight ache, and my throat is scratchy. STAY AWAY FROM ME, ILLNESS. 
  3. The Army threw us a curve ball today. Well, sort of. Zack's brigade is disbanding in October of this year. We weren't supposed to leave Germany until next February, but we had the feeling it probably would get bumped up to late this year. And bumped up, it has. As in, we're looking at a June-August time frame for having to move. I'm incredibly torn on this. On one hand, I feel we're getting cheated out of 6 months here because we still have so much more traveling we want to do. On the other, I think back on everything we have already gotten to see and do and it's mind-blowing. Plus, we have a few interesting options of where we can go next..
  4. Getting full before I was even through making dinner. I don't know why I am such a fat kid, but I can't resist nibbling as I'm cooking. By the time I had set the plates down at the table, it occurred to me that I was not only not hungry, but I was full. Yet I proceeded to eat my fair share of dinner. Cool Liza. 

  1. I got to go the commissary. What a lame statement, I know, but I seriously love, love grocery shopping. From the list-making, to perusing the isles, to taking all of the tasty treasures home and organizing...I just love it.
  2. Not a cloud in the soft blue sky today, riding home with the windows down & Jack's Mannequin on the radio. The kind of day you can feel your soul smiling. 
  3. I opened up some of the windows in our house because it was just too nice not to. It was a little chilly at times when the wind would blow in, but having them open made me oh so happy. 
  4. My February Birchbox came in the mail! Getting that cheerful pink box every month is such a treat, although I'm pretty sure Zack looks forward to it more than me. "OPEN IT LIZA! PLEASE! OPEN IT! I WANT TO SEE WHAT'S IN IT!" 
  5. When I went to the commissary, I loaded up on fresh (okay, and frozen) fruit, so today I made my first smoothie of the season. I lived off of smoothies last summer, but during the cooler months smoothies do not sound appealing at all to me. So the first day in which I didn't have to grab for my parka, I grabbed the blender. Blackberries, blueberries, half a banana, water, & a handful of spinach. So much yum.

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