Wednesday, June 13

wack/wonderful Wednesdays

1. This rain. It's endless.
2. An unexpected, first PCS goodbye- said hurriedly in the sandwich line at the Commissary. We ran into a good friend while grabbing lunch, and he told us he couldn't make it to our going-away dinner tomorrow evening. So we had to say our goodbyes over deli meat. 
3. Not getting much sleep last night. To say a lot is on my mind is a gross understatement, but I think my lack of sleep stemmed from a little visitor I had earlier in the day. Yesterday afternoon I spotted a monstrous spider on our bedroom ceiling. We have extremely tall ceilings- tall as in me standing on a chair with a broom might have reached the spider, but not likely tall. Anyway, I had all but forgotten it until that night- I was trying to fall asleep and my eyes drifted towards that same ceiling corner...and the creature was nowhere to be seen. PANIC MODE ACTIVATED. 
4. That awkward moment when you hear keys in the door at noon and you realize that your day thus far has consisted of... you still being in your PJ's, hair lookin' some kind of mess, haven't brushed your teeth, staring at Pinterest with a cold cup of coffee. I felt a wave of embarrassment run hot through me, so I jumped up and attempted to look as though I was doing something at the kitchen sink- but all Zack really saw when he walked into the room was a rag-a-muffin standing awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen, mouth agape. The funny thing is- he doesn't care one bit what I choose to do with my (now bountiful) free time...but I have this internal problem with being "lazy."

1. This rain. It's endless. And I love it. (most of the time.)
2. Getting to see one of the Sure Start babies while at the car registration place on Vogelweh (30 minutes from Baumholder!) I heard the most adorable little voice scream, "MRS. WILLEY!" and saw a blond-haired, brown-eyed little boy flying at me. Made my day. 
3. My latest culinary invention. You start to get real creative when you are moving & trying to eat everything in your house. I basically made a pizza burrito. It was awesome, that's all you need to know.
4. A trip to the KMCC mall while in the Ramstein area that might have included Cinnabon, idk. It always amazes me how much better Air Force people have it than Army. 
5. Jamie's most recent blog post had me in tears- from laughing so hard & the sad kind.


1 comment:

  1. YES!!!!! I was sitting here and I thought, YES IT"S WEDNESDAY!!!!!! (you know the "w")
    also the letter is wasser...or is it vasser?
