Wednesday, May 9

wack/wonderful Wednesdays


1. I am almost positive at least three years have come off of my life thanks to Zack scaring me when he got home from work. I was in the shower and he started banging the door shut. Naturally, I assumed this was an evil presence and I was going to die naked & cold on the bathroom floor.
2. The weather here is more bipolar than I am. When I got off of work, it was overcast and as soon as I got home, it began pouring. It is currently blue skies and sunshine. I think I'm going to offer Mother Nature a Lexapro.
3. Waking up to the news of Amendment One passing in North Carolina. So completely unnecessary, hurtful, and bigoted. Truly makes me sad to know I call that state home. 


1. Baked apple chips. So easy, so wonderful, so delicious. Just thinly slice some apples, sprinkle some cinnamon on them, bake at 100° C for two hours, and voilĂ . I might have had an entire pan to myself...what of it? 
2. I got to be a fill-in mommy at a Mother's Day tea at school. The little boy's mom couldn't be there, so I got to enjoy a precious presentation by the children, along with tea & biscuits. I had to bite the inside of my mouth to keep from crying it was so sweet, and I don't even have a child. I sometimes ache I want a child so badly- I miss her/him and she/he doesn't even exist. I know it's not the time, though. One day.
3. Debating between going to Stuttgart for a beer fest this weekend, or Belgium. I think when you throw Belgian waffles, beer, chocolate, fries & mussels into the's a pretty clear winner. Besides, Zack has never been to the Delirium Cafe in Brussels. And that simply will not do. 

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