Monday, February 13

I have never understood why people hate on Valentine's Day. To me, it has always been a special day to take the time and make the extra effort to show all the people in your life that you love them. 

Maybe it's because of my childhood. I always loved sitting down with my mommy and a bunch of craft supplies, making lavish homemade Valentine's cards for my family. My mommy always had a wonderful spread of metallic heart stickers, red lace, pink glitter...basically everything little girls' dreams are made of. As a little girl, I didn't even realize Valentine's Day was supposed to contain any sort of romantic notion. One of my absolute most favorite things to do all year was pick out the packs of Valentine's cards I was going to give my classmates. I loved sitting down with a list of their names and pondering long and hard as to who was going to get which card. I did not take this task lightly, and on the morning of Valentine's Day, I would eagerly skip into my classroom and place each card in the respective "mailbox." (I just knew everyone was going to be floored by my thoughtful card selection.)

Even when I grew older and realized the romantic side of Valentine's Day, I was never bothered by the holiday. I saw plenty of February 14ths single, and I cannot remember one in which I moped around all day, soaking in bitter tears because I was "ALONE! Woe is me! Darkness and misery upon all those happy-in-love couples!" Maybe during my casually emo high school years I wrote some angst-filled poem about how I would be forever alone because I didn't receive a pink carnation given out by the Student Council members, but nothing in particular stands out in my mind. Watching couples make out in the hallway between classes, feeling a tiny bit lonely all the time, and wishing at 11:11 that ____ would ask me out? That wasn't Valentine's Day...that was every day in high school.

Maybe I've never hated the holiday because I've always been borderline obsessed with the notion of "love" and everything that accompanies it. It's probably no secret I'm a serial monogamist and absolutely love being in love. I love seeing people in love, I love watching movies about love, I love reading love stories in books, I adore it all, I can't get enough. I audibly squeal when watching The Notebook, Zack & I have approximately 317 kissy pictures, and if a book has the word "love" in the title, there's a solid chance I will buy it without reading the back.

February 14th is a day to wear a lot of pink without being (too harshly) judged, eat an undisclosed amount of chocolate truffles and feel relatively guilt-free, and make certain that every single loved one in your life feels cherished and special. I, for one, am not going to pass any of that up.

Oh, and I get to paint my nails like this and it's considered cute, not creepy and child-like. 

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